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students and counselors

Faculty & Staff Services

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Help a Student or Coworker in Need

Faculty serve as our best frontline personnel when it comes to identifying and referring students and coworkers in distress. We welcome your questions and concerns. Please bother us—we are here to assist you!

Call (208) 732-6260 to speak with a counselor

Signs of Emotional Problems

  • Look for changes in
  • Behavior
  • Class attendance
  • Quality of work
  • Appearance

Things to Remember

  • Walking a student over to our offices has proven to be the most effective way of ensuring the student follows through on counseling.
  • Your expression of concern may motivate students or a co-worker to seek the help they need.
  • You are not responsible for the student/co-worker’s wellbeing, or whether or not he/she seeks help.
  • You may consult with CSI Career & Counseling Services anytime regarding your concerns.
    (208) 732-6260
  • Don’t get trapped into giving advice (ergo, “Why don’t you…?”)

Approach a Student or Coworker in Distress

  • Choose a private place to talk.
  • Ask if something is wrong and if the student or co-worker would like to talk about it.
  • If you’ve noticed changes in this person, it may be helpful to relate this. For example, “I’ve noticed that you haven’t been attending class regularly. I’m wondering if anything is going on I might be able to help you with.”
  • Communicate care and concern for the individual, rather than berating him or her for poor performance.
  • Encourage the student/co-worker, unless they appear to be significantly emotionally impaired, to make his/her own decision.
  • Avoid trite phrases such as, “Don’t worry,” “It will all work out,” “You’ll feel better about it tomorrow,” or “I understand.”
  • Don’t be afraid of tears, as they are a natural, healthy response to distress.
  • Listen, listen, listen. (Which is usually done best with the mouth closed, more frequently than not)
  • Refer, refer, refer—especially to us! (208) 732-6260
  • Share helpful resources with the person, including CSI’s Counseling Services.

Cutting or other Self-Injurious Behaviors

More and more faculty are becoming aware of students/coworkers who engage in self-injurious behaviors (SIBs), such as cutting or burning themselves. If you encounter this, keep in mind: 

  • This behavior is generally not indicative of suicidal intentions.
  • This behavior usually denotes significant psychological distress.
  • Encourage the student/coworker to seek help.

The Suicidal Student/Coworker

Sometimes a student or coworker may talk about suicide. Take this very seriously. Most people who have attempted suicide talked about it before-hand. If you suspect a person may be contemplating ending their life, bring the subject up in a gentle or matter-of-fact, non-confrontational way. Talking about it does not increase the likelihood that someone might kill him or herself or even “plant the idea in their head.” In fact, most people feel relieved that someone realizes the seriousness of their pain. If you suspect someone may be suicidal, encourage them to seek help immediately. (In Crisis) If this person refuses to do so, contact CSI Security (208) 732-6605 and inform them of the situation. They will instruct you as to how to proceed. Additionally, contact Counseling Services at (208) 732-6260 and Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, Jonathan Lord at (208) 732-6280. This bears repeating: It is not your job to determine whether or not the student/co-worker actually intends to harm themselves. Leave that assessment to the professionals. AND: After informing the proper contacts, you are not responsible for the students’ or coworkers’ actions.

The Violent Student/Coworker

In the event that a student/co-worker threatens you or others with physical harm, immediately contact Twin Falls City Police via 911(emergency) or (208) 735-4357(non-emergency).

Additionally, please notify CSI Campus Safety (208) 732-6605 andVice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, Jonathan Lord at (208) 732-6280 or Human Resources Director Eric Nielson (208) 732-6267.

Campus Outreach

CSI Counseling staff are available by appointment to serve as guest speakers on such topics as:

  • Test Anxiety (Research indicates over 20% of all college students experience some form of test anxiety, ranging from mild to severe symptoms. Could your students’ performance be suffering from this common disorder?)
  • Suicide Prevention
  • Bystander Training
  • Communication
  • Goal Setting
  • Managing Stress
  • Positive Psychology (Happiness)
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • And lots more—Just ask us!

We are also available to facilitate groups of faculty, staff or students who may have experienced a crisis situation, such as the death of a student or coworker.

Consider calling us to substitute for you on days when you can’t be there to teach yourself.