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Program Level Assessment

Program level assessment occurs annually via a program review process that is mandated by the State of Idaho. Assessment within instructional programs is coordinated by the department chair or program manager in charge of the particular program. Programs are asked to provide data about activities within the department that have taken place in support of instructional excellence, such as professional development activities or work with CSI’s Teaching & Learning Center. 

The specific tools used for program-level student learning assessment vary by department. In some cases, outcomes align with industry certification exams and/or national technical skills assessments, allowing for those tools to be used to measure student learning. Results are stored in Canvas and used to communicate with deans to influence budgetary decisions, personnel hiring, and program improvement.  

These program-level assessments are completed each year during the College-supported Assessment Week in November during which faculty work with each other, department chairs, and program managers to review data and create plans for continuous improvement.