In addition to the other strategies presented on this web page, you will also likely need access to the following to participate effectively in an online course at CSI:
Don't worry, once you are accepted as a CSI student, you will be given access to all of these tools! Your course will require identity verification. This may occur in one or more of the following ways:
If your course requires proctored testing, this service is available at the CSI Testing Center and often in your local community as well, such as at a library.
Although you may complete some course meetings and activities using your phone, learning online solely using your phone is not an effective solution. If you don’t have a computer, we have resources available to help:
We understand online learners want to feel confident they can access help when they have a question and need support. 麻豆精品 offers many resources for online students:
Our CSI IT HelpDesk can answer questions about student login information, how to access Canvas, and any questions related to “Canvas isn’t working”, as well as provide help to troubleshoot Zoom, Microsoft Office products, and more. They can also help you with a student checkout device if you do not have a laptop or computer to access your online course materials.
Contact: or 208-732-6311
Canvas 24x7/Tier 1 Support is an excellent resource available to you any time, day or night, to answer all Canvas-related support questions. You can call or chat by clicking the “Help” icon in the left-hand yellow global navigation menu in Canvas.
Advising and Career Services provide academic and career planning for you. A student advisor can help answer questions about courses or majors, including how to understand degree programs and their requirements, reviewing your progress, and how to create successful habits to effectively manage your college courses. You can meet with an advisor in person at our main Twin Falls campus, at our off-campus center in Burley, or anywhere via Zoom.
The CSI Registrar can help with course registration questions, including questions about adding or dropping classes, registering for corequisite or prerequisite classes, residency, transcripts, and class schedules.
The CSI Financial Aid & Scholarship Office can help with questions about how to pay for classes, how to qualify for and maintain financial aid, the FAFSA, scholarship opportunities, and more.
The Learning & Tutoring Commons provides free educational support and peer tutoring resources for all CSI students, including online students. You can schedule an appointment with a tutor to receive help on a subject you choose and can meet with the tutor in a Zoom meeting or face-to-face on the main CSI campus.