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Smoke Free Campus Policy

Smoking is prohibited on all college properties, including off- campus centers and any properties owned or leased by the College. For the purposes of this policy, smoking is defined as burning any type of tobacco product including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, pipes, bidis and e-cigarettes.

Organizers and attendees at public events, such as conferences, meetings, public lectures, athletic events, social events and cultural events, using College facilities will be required to abide by the CSI Smoke Free Policy. Organizers of such events are responsible for communicating this policy to attendees and for enforcing this policy.

The following smoking prohibitions have been established on the CSI campus:

  • Smoking is prohibited in all CSI-owned residences, including Eagle Hall.
  • Smoking is prohibited in all CSI-owned or leased vehicles.
  • The sale of tobacco products on campus is prohibited.
  • The free distribution of tobacco products on campus is prohibited.
  • Campus organizations are prohibited from accepting money or gifts from tobacco companies.
  • Tobacco advertisements are prohibited in college-sponsored publications.

The College will provide free, accessible tobacco treatment on campus and will publicize its availability. These programs will be designed to meet the special needs of those they serve. These tobacco treatment programs shall be publicized regularly in student and employee publications, posted in residence halls and academic buildings, through Student Services, and through other appropriate means.

Effective implementation of this Smoke Free Policy depends upon the courtesy, respect, and cooperation of all members of the CSI community. Complaints or disputes should be brought to the attention of the College employee who has immediate responsibility for the workplace, event, or residence, or to her/his supervisor. If satisfactory resolution is not reached, the Dean of Students or the Director of Human Resources should be consulted.