Teaching & Learning Takeout is offered just once monthly, for thirty minutes via Zoom to meet the following outcomes:
Would you like to make a request? Please do so by using the Suggestion Box to the right. Depending upon the number of new Canvas releases available to communicate in a given month, we'd like to use this time to answer your questions and meet your needs. Chances are, if you have a question, other instructors are wondering about something similar!
Watch for monthly email outreach from the Teaching & Learning Center. We'll let you know what's on the menu, and how to access the Zoom link for that month's Takeout Zoom session.
Like fast food, Takeout is best served hot, or live. We do understand that a takeaway resource can be helpful, however. Recordings of recent Takeout Zoom sessions may be . Short on time? Increase your playback speed or read the transcript!