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Policies for Written and Computerized Testing

Testing Center Facility

  • Students taking CSI class tests will always be required to show a CSI student id card.  Students taking CSI Placement Tests will always be required to have a photo Id(student card, driver’s license, or anything with their full name and a picture).  They may also need their student id number, their own pencils, and calculators if needed.  We no longer accept student verifications over the phone.  If an instructor is verifying a student’s identity, they will have to come into the testing center with the student and complete a third-party verification form.
  • The Testing Center currently has 40 computers that are used for computerized testing, CSI placement testing, Computer Literacy testing, CLEP, Canvas, and various professional certifications.  The Testing Center also has 30 stations for written tests, and during heavy usage of written tests, we will use the computer testing stations as fill-ins for written tests.  This allows us to accommodate more students at a time.
  • Please allow plenty of test-availability time for all students to complete exams knowing that there may be times when testing stations and computers may not be available for your test.
  • Advise your students not to wait until the final hour to take the exam as a computer may not be available to them.
  • Students taking the same exam will be seated every other computer filling in-between with other computer-based exams. If every other computer in the testing room is being used by students taking the same exam, the Testing Center staff will start a student next to another who is almost finished. Students taking written tests are only allowed to sit by a person taking the same test if there are no other seats available.

Test Security

  • Students should be limited to one log-in only so that a student may not inadvertently take a particular test more than once (or have the ability to log into it again from somewhere else).
  • Testing aids such as calculators, rulers, compasses, protractors, etc., will not be allowed into the testing center without the proctor sheet stating the testing aids are allowed or a note of approval from the instructor.
  • Open book testing is not allowed in the testing center; please make arrangements for this type of test to be taken in class.
  • The instructor can make arrangements for a test using one sheet of notes and the notes will be stapled to the test when it is complete. Students will not be allowed to take their notes out of the testing center.

Canvas exams

    • If you are using Canvas for your tests, please make sure all your students are enrolled in your class on Canvas before they come into the testing center to test. If they are not enrolled prior to coming into test, they will be sent to one of the computer labs or the library to get enrolled. You can enroll all your students at once or include instructions with your syllabus. You will also need to send instructions on how the proctor will access your test on your site.
    • There are test security issues because of screen shots, Internet, and e-mail access from the testing computers. Setting a time limit within Canvas may alleviate any time to do anything other than take the test also see the information for Respondus below.


    • The testing center is now using a program called Respondus which is a lockdown browser for Canvas exams. This program locks the internet browser window so that students cannot access anything but the Canvas program. All Canvas tests will be put into this program unless it has to access another program such as Media Player. Please let us know on the proctor sheet if this is the case.
    • When the test is put into the program Respondus the Testing Center will change the password you create for your test. This new password is the password the Testing Center uses and it will be changed weekly. Tthis password can be accessed through your edit test options if you have someone who is taking your test outside of the campus or outreach centers.
    • All CSI testing centers and outreach centers have the Respondus program on their computers and know the weekly passwords to access Canvas exams
    • Please make sure that the name on your exam matches the name for it in Canvas
    • Please make sure it is available before sending the proctor sheet to the testing center.
    • If you are sending a test to the outreach centers but not the campus testing center please contact the campus testing center so your test can be setup in Respondus.  This is only done by the campus testing center or Jeff Gourley, Testing Center Coordinator.

Proctor Sheet

  • Proctor Sheet is required for written and online proctor form can be completed on the website for computerized testing.
  • If the approximate time to complete the test listed on the Proctor Sheet is more than one hour, the test will not be given if there is not enough time to complete the test before the Center closes.
  • Please set the opening and closing date and time within the computerized exam to ensure that students are taking it in the proper time frame. The Testing Center always checks the proctor sheet to see if the test is open or closed. This is a nice double-check feature of ours. No test will be given after the closing date without notification from the instructor.

If possible, change the closing day so that it is not always on the same day such as Fridays or Wednesdays (not only is variety the spice of life, it changes the ebb and flow of students taking tests).


During the Test

  • Notify students that except for the score report anything they may inadvertently print out during the test will not be given to them.
  • If students require scratch paper, please make a note of it on the proctor sheet and the student will be given one to two sheets. As usual, students are not allowed to take in their own scratch paper and all scratch paper is given back to the staff after the test is complete. Materials used during testing may NOT leave with the student.

Technical Issues

  • If there is no response when �Submit� is clicked at the end of the exam, Testing Center staff will print out the exam that shows the student�s answers and hardcopy will be submitted to the instructor.
  • The Help Desk will be notified of any network/hardware problems that disrupt a student during a test.

If the computer/Internet/Canvas becomes unstable and exits a student from a test before it is complete, the instructor will be notified. Because Canvas tests are set up with one log-in only, the instructor will need to reset the student to take it again.


  • Class finals will not be allowed in the Testing Center except for extenuating circumstances such as an online class that does not have an established class time or a make-up final for particular students.


  • The testing center does not furnish scantrons (except ADC instructors), if your tests require the student to use a scantron, you will need to furnish the scantron with the test.

Grading Tests

  • The testing center is happy to proctor your tests but we do not grade tests. Grading is the responsibility of the instructor or a person they designate.

Internet Tests

  • If you are using an internet website besides Canvas for testing, your students will need to know their login and password to access the website. They will also have to know how to navigate the website, such as which link or links they have to click on to get to the tests. This information will also need to be furnished to the testing center.

The Student Success Center continues to actively seek ways to accommodate the up-coming needs regarding computer-based testing.